28 February 2023, 18:39
A new wave of cuts on Twitter; another 200 employees were laid off
According to the New York Times, Twitter has dismissed at least 200 employees, or about 10 percent of the staff.

26 February 2023, 20:39
What kind of tank equipment is supplied to the Ukrainian army by the West (PHOTO SERIES)
Since the Russian invasion, Ukraine has received multi-purpose and high-tech weapons from NATO and EU member states.

24 February 2023, 21:02
1 year of the Ukrainian war marked (photo series)
1 year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the "special action of demilitarization and denationalization" of Ukraine, after which no rocket strikes began in different parts of Ukraine.

21 February 2023, 21:00
The clash with Ukrainian nationalist circles was just a matter of time; Putin 2022 (VIDEO)
During the last 8 years, they have been subjected to mockery and genocide by the Kyiv regime.
20 February 2023, 20:01
Since June 1988, the Movement has been an alternative government. Levon Ter-Petrosyan on the Karabakh movement
When they say Armenian national movement, it doesn't mean party affiliation. It was indeed a popular movement.