5 February, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in some regions
On February 6, light precipitation and snow are possible in the higher parts of the city.

5 February, 8:55
The Prime Minister delivered a speech at the Atlantic Council
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Atlantic Council in Washington, where he delivered a speech.

5 February, 0:00
A G2-G3 class geomagnetic storm is expected on February 7-8
Astronomers are warning of a possible powerful X-class solar flare.

4 February, 22:45
Issues related to defense cooperation between Armenia and France were discussed
Khachatryan met with Army General Fabien Mandon, the French President's military advisor and head of the special military headquarters.
4 February, 17:20
Alain Simonyan met with the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg
During the meeting, the peace treaty was also discussed.