13 October 2024, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in some regions
The air temperature will drop by 2-4 degrees in the afternoon of October 14.

12 October 2024, 18:21
"EU observers have closed the door and window of Russian-Azerbaijani collusive agreements." Babajanyan
"At the end of November, an attack on Armenia is not excluded," Babajanyan said.
12 October 2024, 10:31
Crossroads of peace. Combining security and democracy
RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's speech.

11 October 2024, 17:50
About 2.2 billion of the world's population have visual impairments
Eye diseases and visual impairments are widespread throughout the world. Most of them result from a lack of preventive measures and proper treatment.
11 October 2024, 15:50
The Foreign Ministry condemned the attack on the UN representation in Lebanon
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia condemned the attack on the headquarters of the UN Interim Forces in Lebanon.